Amazing, life changing book.
Reflecting to the summary I read regularly on LUCID.
Snoring is not normal, even if this is some tiniest amount.
Over time through evolution our upper airway has narrowed.
This is due to two major changes.
1.5 millio. years ago brain started to grow bigger as human started to tenderise food and to have more nutrients. To accommodate this larger brain facial structure got smaller.
300 years ago, in the post industrialisation era , availability of more processed food, jaw misalignment, crooked tooth etc.
As we grow older how bone density plummets , soft tissue sags down which risk of snoring. Way to tackle this is to increase chewing hard , natural food. Facial muscles has stem cells which stimulate production of various tissues of the body.
Nostril exercise:
Perfect breathing through nose absorbs more oxygen (18%) than through mouth.
Right nostril - activates sympathetic
Left nostril-activates parasympathetic.
By doing this exercise , you can improve BP and HR.
Also, only Left nostril exercise can help in calming and relaxing.
Technique nose with one hand hand. Release first right nostril> take deep breathe>hold>inhale through left nostril> alternate. do it 10 times.
Inhale and exhaling exercise:
Breathe should be slowly and deeply.
Inhale fully counting to 5.5s > hold> exhale fully counting 5.5s =10 times
Mobilising diaphragm (second heart) > improves HR , BP
Aim is also to get residual air out of the lung and get fresh air.
Slow breathing increase CO2 level in blood which dilates bloods vessels > improves oxygenation at cellular level.
Mouth taping at night:
How to improve snoring? Which can eventually leead to poor sleep > various helath impact
Mouth taping. Continue it as long as needed till you are habituated in breathing through nose. Imporves snoring from 4 hour to just 10mins.