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Start with why - Simon Sinek

Fahad Bin Zahid

Updated: Oct 2, 2022

This is one of the great books for personal development. This will try to convince you that asking WHY before making choices and doing activities or projects has an immense value in gaining success in the end. WHY should guide WHAT we do. The ultimate success will be measured with WHY (Your cause).

Its 11:30pm in the UK and I am already feeling sleepy. So I will keep it short and focus on the 7 key messages.

  1. When we do something , ask ourselves WHY (not what) we are doing this? What is the bigger goal behind this? This will inspire you to get up from bed everyday and work harder.

  2. " People don't buy WHAT you do, they buy WHY you do it" The Limbic cortex is reponsible for our Gut instinct , and neocortex is responsible for our rational thoughts. People tend to follow their gut instinct as they trust this. Through WHY you can send the truth message across and influence other people Gut instinct.

  3. For every Project /actions, you start with WHY then it will influence HOW you do it and WHAT you do, (so purpose then method then result= all should be in balance)

  4. A great leader is followed by others because they TRUST his cause/WHY (he is not doing it for self gain , but has vision towards something that is bigger than himself). A great leader also inspire their team members towards a shared goal where they are personally invested.

  5. Action/WHAT you do should align with your WHY. That how people will start believing your ideas,

  6. Measure Success with WHY, not WHAT.

  7. One should complete against themselves , not others, This is to improve yourself.


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